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econ assignment代写范文

在现在市场环境下,一般的人都认为短期需求往往比长期需求弹性更大,可事实真的是这样的吗?essayphd这篇econ assignment代写范文给出了完整的解答。通过严谨的回归分析模型,以及学术文献做支撑,essayphd给出了不一样的说法。

团队中经济学phd阵容庞大,实力非凡。分布在英国, 美国,澳洲各个名校学府。对于各种econ assignment代写要求了如指掌。不管是低阶econ assignment代写,还是各种深层次的经济学paper甚至econ毕业论文、博士论文。我们团队都能顺利完成。

团队合作擅长处理各种加急econ assignment代写,有需要代写的同学欢迎联系我们。微信号essayphd,客服24小时全天候在线。以下是econ assignment代写节选。

In most markets, demand is more elastic in the long-run than it is in the short-run.

Elasticity of demand is determined by the availability of substitutes and the time period being considered. In the short-run because it takes a considerable amount of time to develop competing substitutes, the demand will be inelastic (huge changes in price will lead to small changes in quantity demanded, since consumers have no other products to purchase). But as the duration increases, more substitutes will be available meaning if there is a huge percentage change in price, consumers will move to other products that may be cheaper resulting in a large decrease/increase in quantity demanded giving an elasticity greater than 1.

econ assignment代写

Provided that the elasticity of supply is neither 0 nor infinity, the burden of a per-unit sales tax falls more heavily on consumers if demand is inelastic than if demand is elastic.

Whenever a sales tax is placed onto goods, it adds to the price of the product which means there will be a shift in the supply curve. We can use two graphs illustrating inelastic demand and elastic demand to show what effect the tax has on price for consumers.

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