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The feminist movement is a serious of campaigns that advocate the rights of women, such as reproductive rights and equal pay. The early feminist movement starts from late 19th century. Women at that time realized that they need political power and fight for their sexual and economic interests. The underlying concept is that women can contribute to the society as much as men. In the middle 20th century, the feminist movement focuses on reproductive rights and benefits in the workplace. It was the time the U.S. is restructuring and the feminist movement is concurring with other social movement such as Black Civil Rights Movement and Gay and Lesbian Movement. Women fight for their gender equality to further make their voices on other issues heard.



In this article, I would argue that the development of feminist movement in history is negatively related to family violence towards women. The development of feminist movement reduces violence against women in the family domain. Although the early feminist movement does not advance women’s equal right comparable to today’s situation, it is associated with the significant improvement of women’s right. More specifically, the domestic violence movement is part of the feminist movement and the development of feminist movement reduces domestic violence against women. In An Age of Reform, Foner (2014) introduced the origins of feminism. In the Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, they argued for the equal pay for the same work. They strive for women’s right raised the issue of woman suffrage and criticized the entire structure of inequality. Also, they advocate more freedom for women. Self-realization and individual choices were fight for, as they are the foundations of individual freedom.


In conclusion, the feminist movement is a serious of campaigns advocate the rights of women and the early feminist movement is the start of feminist movement for the last two centuries. Feminist movement is also inseparable with other social movement in current U.S. In this essay, I linked the development of feminist movement in history and family violence towards women. My central argument is that the development of feminist movement reduces violence against women in the family domain. In his book, Foner (2014) introduced various facts related to early feminist movement. He discussed fascinating concepts such as self-realization and individual choices, slavery of sex, and gender roles in the household economy.
