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英国fashion management代写范文

这是我们为英国soton(University of Southampton)的学弟写的一篇fashion management代写范文。本文从供应链角度出发,以中国服装业为例。讲述了中国人口红利、出口政策优势及自身的发展给全球供应链带来了许多好处。足够的生产要素,庞大的内需以及相关产业的发展大大刺激了中国服装业的发展。同时,除了廉价等优势之外。从发展中国家采购服装并不是完美无缺的,也有许多的弊端。

以下是fashion management代写节选的范文。从保护客户的隐私出发,交稿一年多以后。获得客户的同意,我们节选部分fashion management代写范文进行展示。供大家参阅:

In fact, governmental systems and operating mechanisms are decisive factors of a nation’s competitive advantages, and they might determine transaction costs and potentials. And Chinese governments’ preferential and encouraging export policies of the garment industry have greatly stimulated its development. And this phenomenon is helpful to cut down on the procurement costs as well. Therefore, continuing to supply from China will provide many benefits to procurement companies, because China is able to supply high-quality garment products at lower prices, thanks to sufficient factors of production, huge domestic demands, developed relevant and auxiliary industries, as well as governments’ supports. However, there are many limitations of procuring from China as well.

南安普顿大学fashion management代写展示
fashion management代写

Even though global supply chain can provide some nations, especially developing ones, with the low-cost advantage, those countries seem to lag behind generally in many aspects. Chinese companies enjoy the price advantage. However, its many aspects are quite different from the United Kingdom, such as cultures, organizations, governmental functions, as well as scientific and technological levels. And these distinctions will lead to many limitations for procurement companies to supply from China. First of all, as a developing country, Chinese population’s overall quality needs to be further improved, and Chinese companies need a period of time to adapt to new management patterns (Gereffi and Memedovic, 2003). Because of habits and traditions, people can hardly give up their original production modes and lifestyles immediately. Therefore, even though one Chinese enterprise is chosen to be a long-term partner, it might not be willing to change itself. Besides that, UK companies need to spend a lot of time, energy and cost to transform and cultivate suppliers. What is worse, the final results might not meet procurement companies’ expectations.

All in all, continuing to supply from China can provide procurement companies with many benefits, such as lower costs. However, to procure from developing countries like China, procurement companies need to attach more attention to some limitations, such as relatively lower population quality and backward technologies in development countries, risks of choosing good suppliers, as well as trade barriers between two nations.

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