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英国Kinston大学BM7021 Brand Design课程范文

BM7021 Brand Design是英国Kinston Business School Marketing and Brand Management专业的必修课程,通过这个课程的学习,可以通过实践增强构建品牌、运营品牌、差异化营销的能力。
课程course description:

Design is integral to an organization’s branding and differentiation strategy, so how does one use design effectively when developing a distinctive brand? This module takes you through the key
knowledge, practice and skill areas of design management, focusing on the strategy, process and implementation involved in successfully executing a branding strategy. The module adopts a practical hands-on and action-based approach that simulates how you would work in a marketing environment, for example through the use of blogging technology, which is an integral part of the


Working in your team, you will produce the following:
• Customer Experience Journey:
using a design framework for integrating Brand promise and experience value across each stage of the customer journey.
• Creative brief: This one-pager brief is aimed at communicating with a design team how to reposition one brand assigned to you by a client organization.
• Advertising Campaign: You will develop a mock-up advertising campaign, resulting in print/ digital ads, a campaign landing page, a social media campaign using relevant channels for the target audience (e.g., Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).
