代写_论文代写_ESSAY PhD团队论文、作业代写-不是中介 更加专业

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美国儿童文学reflective response写作范文

有些同学在写book review时,常见的误区是把书评写出了summary,一味的从书中摘抄内容,而实际上,此类文章更确切的说是reflective response,更重要的是从书中延伸出来的自我观点,把书中的思想为我所用或者站在更高的层面对书中的思想进行评判,下面我们来看一篇范文,看看一篇优秀的reflective response是怎样的。首先,是这篇文章的要求:

The paper will be analytical in nature asking you to analyze the book . Your response should form a thesis using appropriate examples from the book(s) to support your thesis. While you are responsible for choosing appropriate scenes, moments, and passages to back up the point you are trying to make, you must directly address your thesis with specific examples, focusing on specific moments to highlight your points.
Your paper should answer the PROMPT in a clear concise way. You do not have to address all questions in the prompt, but your paper should be related to the prompt in some way.  You need to form a thesis and defend your thesis with examples from the children’s literature books and/or the articles that we have read for the week. Make sure that your thesis is clear and that you specifically relate your examples to your thesis. Also make sure your paper follows MLA format for grammar and citations. 
Diversity is a broad term denoting the differences among individuals within a text. How does the book help a person think through diversity? How can we define diversity cased on the books? How does diversity change the story? What does the book say about the importance of diversity? 
Your paper will need to be 3-4 pages , typed, 12 point font, and double-spaced, following MLA format.

要求中着重说明了,只需要选取书中特定的场景、时刻或者段落来支撑你的观点,并且用具体的例子来佐证,所以我们在写作时首要是提出一个thesis statement,切忌泛泛而谈,其次是结合自身经历给出一个例子。从范文的评语来看,范文无疑是成功的抓住了这些重点。现在我们来赏析这篇佳作:
