代写_论文代写_ESSAY PhD团队论文、作业代写-不是中介 更加专业

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我们平常写作的大部分以academic writing居多,里面充满了专业术语和专有名词,对于其他专业的人来说可能如同天书,所谓的“隔行如隔山”。还有另外一种体裁的文体,科普文,它的受众是普通的广大民众,需要把复杂的概念讲简单,枯燥的内容讲生动,也是同样的考验写作水平。我们以这篇澳洲UTS大学医学系课程的Magazine-style Written Article为例,通过一篇拿了HD分数的sample,解读此类文章如何才能出彩。首先是作业要求
For your major assessment task in this subject you will be writing a magazine-style article for a broad audience (i.e. the general public as well as scientists).
Guidelines for Magazine-style Written Article
 Choose a topic from the list provided on UTSOnline
 Conduct a literature search using the appropriate databases (e.g. PubMed) and keywords to find current, relevant, peer-reviewed scientific articles on your topic.
Critically read these scientific articles to ensure you have articles that collectively cover all of the information listed below:
1. The significance and impact of the microorganism(s) in human or animal health, industry or to the environment e.g. value and/or cost to society, value to industry or value to the environment (e.g. nutrient cycling)
2. If your microorganism(s) is:
a. a pathogen - information on its disease process, transmission and control methods
b. an industrially relevant microorganism(s) - commercial products that are made, the industrial processes used to produce these product(s) and the physical parameters that are required to allow the microorganism(s) to thrive (e.g. temperature)
c. an environmentally-relevant microorganism(s) - environmental process(es) the microorganism(s) is involved in and the physical parameters that are required to allow the microorganism(s) to thrive (e.g. temperature)
3. Also include:
a. a full taxonomic classification of the microorganism(s)
b. the microorganism(s) natural host(s) and/or environments
c. the methods of identification or detection and isolation of the microorganism(s) from mixed microbial sources
In your own words, synthesise this scientific information to tell a story in the format of a magazine-style article (see modules on UTSOnline). You will need to critically evaluate the literature, draw conclusions and make recommendations. Consider your audience and purpose.
首先,第一段作为总起,介绍了霍乱是什么、从什么时候流行、在哪里流行,然后点出了这篇文章的main purpose:希望通过这篇文章,向受众传达快速诊断和应急处置的知识,以达到减少致死率的目的。
