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时间:2018-12-11 15:56来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD 点击:

留学生们都知道,ESSAY论文非常讲究Academic。我们的论文往往基于大量的research来完成。做research的话,就得有严谨的学术来源了。这些学术来源就是我们常常说的reference/citation。从进入大学的English writing课开始,我们论文就被要求有严谨的reference格式。Reference格式有很多种,留学生论文essay/assignment常用的有 APA,Harvard,MLA,Chicago等等

而今天EssayPhD就向大家介绍,什么是APA格式(APA reference style)。美国心理学会文献引用使用“作者和日期”的引用格式,也就是APA格式。在引用了academic resources之后一般需要在文章两个地方标明出来,向读者展示这个观点或者事实是基于某篇学术论文得来的证据,是严谨并且可信的。这两个地方我们分别称作in-text citation 和 reference list。

In-text citation就是文中的引用。因为引用又分为直接引用和间接引用,因此APA格式中的文内引用又有两种不同的形式。


例如: “Many different kinds of abilities are essential for any profession" (Cohen & Lotan, 2014, p.151).


例如: Professional knowledge alone does not make someone a very capable professional (Cohen & Lotan, 2014).


而在reference list中,也就是在文章的最后你需要把引用过的文献按照作者姓氏首字母的顺序来排列。文献来源可能是书,也可能是Ebook, Video, Journal article, Magazine, Newspaper article等等甚至可能是Webpage或者Course handout/Lecture notes等等。对于不同形式的文献来源,APA格式中reference list都会有不同的格式。


  • 1. Book with one author
  • King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand: Viking.
  • 2. Book with two authors
  • Dancey, C. P., & Reidy, J. (2004). Statistics without maths for psychology: Using SPSS for Windows (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  • 3. Book with three to five authors (see Library APA referencing webpage for six or more authors)
  • Krause, K.-L., Bochner, S., & Duchesne, S. (2006). Educational psychology for learning and teaching (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Thomson.
  • 4. Book chapter in edited book
  • Kestly, T. (2010). Group sandplay in elementary schools. In A. A. Drewes & C. E. Shaefer (Eds.), School-based play therapy (2nd ed., pp. 257-282). Hoboken, NJ: John Wileys & Sons.
  • 5. Electronic book (eBook)
  • Nydegger, R. (2018). Clocking in: The psychology of work. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
  • 6. Journal article (academic/scholarly) with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
  • Cavenagh, N., & Ramadurai, R. (2017). On the distances between Latin squares and the smallest defining set size. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 25(4), 147–158. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcd.21529
  • 7. Journal article with no DOI
  • Germann, F., Ebbes, P., & Grewal, R. (2015). The chief marketing officer matters! Journal of Marketing, 79(3), 1-22.
  • 8. Magazine – popular/trade/general interest
  • Goodwin, D. K. (2002, February 4). How I caused that story. Time, 159(5), 69.
  • 9. Video (e.g. YouTube)
  • University of Waikato Library. (2017, September 18). APA referencing [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nhWZ_RumSE&list=PLV6rcj47rsw8LffYhAwlLv37MQDArYFNw
  • 10. Newspaper article
  • Coster, D. (2017, June 12). Driver who caused man's death is placed into dementia care. Stuff. Retrieved from http://www.stuff.co.nz/



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