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Business strategy essay代写范文

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Business strategy essay代写范文

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A critical review of “Hustle as Strategy” by Amar Bhide

Strategy, as a factor important to the sustainable success of an organization, arouses heated debates over time. Diverse themes, concepts and theories are around strategies. The essay aims to critically review the article of “Hustle as Strategy” by Amar Bhide. Firstly, it will explore the position of the article in the wider debate on strategies. Secondly, it will analyze the assumptions and theoretical underpinnings of the article. Then, it will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Amar Bhide’s viewpoints in the article. Lastly, conclusion will be drawn about the entire essay with the author’s personal thoughts on strategy. 

Position in wider strategy debates

Amar Bhide takes “hustle” as a strategy for an organization to succeed at marketplace. He opposes the role of strategic planning or long-term strategy while emphasizes the role of operation and super execution (Bhide, 1984). This position falls in the wider debates of competition vs. Performance view, Prescriptive vs. Emergent view, positioning approach vs. Resource-based View (RBV).
Amar Bhide’s viewpoints in the article take the side of performance view, RBV or organization-led approach. From the perspective of performance view, organization are internally self-focused rather than “obsessive preoccupation with rivals” and making strategic competitive planning (Wernerfelt, 1984). Amar Bhide further argues that the most important factor for a company to succeed is the “hustle”, “nimbleness” and “responsiveness” in operation and execution rather than long-term strategic planning (Bhide, 1984). Wernerfelt (1984) and Peteraf (1993) also hold that the unique, rare and inimitable resources within an organization could be the source of sustainable competitive advantages. Therefore, focusing on the unique resources or capabilities within organizations is more effective to succeed for an organization (Chaharbaghi and Willis, 1998). In other words, Amar Bhide supports the position of internally driven and organization-led approach as a strategy.
By contrast, the positioning view or environment-led approach holds that the success of an organization is determined by the external factors such as competitors, customers, new entrants and suppliers. Porter’s Five forces illustrate the external forces that could determine the position of an organization in its industry (Porter, 1979). The survival and thriving of a company could be achieved by “erecting massive barriers” to competitors such as proprietary technologies, brand and reputation, distribution systems (Bhide, 1984; Porter, 1996; Kim et al, 2008). However, Amar Bhide opposes this view and questions whether knowing strategic plans of competitors could make any difference. As Warren Buffet puts it, “major sustainable competitive advantages are almost non-existent” in the finance industry (cited in Bhide, 1984). 

Assumptions and theoretical underpinnings

The assumptions and theoretical underpinnings are also oriented on internally organization-led, RBV view. The first assumption of Amar Bhide is that the success of an organization mainly is driven by internal factors, independent of its competitors. Amar Bhide emphasizes the role of execution, operation as well as the specific practice of risk measuring, control, recruitment (Bhide, 1984). All these factors are internal resources of an organization which determines the uniqueness and advancement of an organization. Amar Bhide also proves the effectiveness of this approach by illustrating it with impressive bottom line in the examples of Goldman Sachs, Ivan Boesky, T. Boone Piekens, and Carl Icahn (Bhide, 1984).
The second assumption is that strategic competitive planning is stable and long-term. The concept of “Hustle” proposed by Amar Bhide could be explained by flexibility, responsiveness, and super execution in corporate operation. He totally opposes the viewpoints of strategic planning in favor of hustle moves in operation and execution (Bhide, 1984). The underlying assumption is that strategic planning is stable, fixed, and even rigid which are less important than “hustles” in practice.
The theoretical underpinnings include the unique, intangible resources in RBV that led to competitive advantages of an organization. Amar Bhide highly emphasizes the role of talented people in financial industry (Bhide,1984). Their talents, skills, capabilities and knowledge are intangible resources of an organization which are inimitable, rare and irreplaceable (Wang et al., 2009). These are regarded as core competency that led to competitive advantages for the organization (Clardy, 2008). All in all, the more unique the resources are, the more valuable they could be to create and sustain the competitive advantages for the organization.  

Evaluation: strengths and weakness

One major strength of Amar Bhide’s “hustle as strategy” lies in that it is pragmatic and applicable in practice with specific suggestions in establishing superior execution. Amar Bhide points out the role of measuring profitability, control of operation quality, the role of manager, the role of personnel training and development in fostering superior “hustles” as strategy (Bhide, 1984). Unlike the vagueness of strategic planning, Amar Bhide proposes detailed actions in constructing optimal execution.
The second strength is that Amar Bhide does not limit his viewpoints to RBV or totally internal elements, rather, he emphasizes the close link to customers and advocate that organizations should be committed to customers’ satisfaction. The role of manager should also be sensitive to subtle but important differences between customers and make hustle moves accordingly (Bhide, 1984).
The weaknesses about the article are also worthy of note. One weakness is that Amar Bhide limits his viewpoints on “hustle as strategy” to finance industry with examples exclusively taken from financial institutions. It is hard to be generalized to wider organizations across industries. As there are no significant fix assets, inventory or raw materials in financial industry, it might be feasible for organizations to solely focus on execution, without concerning competitors (Kim et al, 2008). However, in other industries such as manufacturing industry, the external forces such as suppliers and competitors still count in strategy (Armstrong, 1982). The second weakness is that Amar Bhide treats strategy as fixed but actually strategy could be evolving and kept updated, even long-term strategy is progressive to some extent (Mintzberg et al, 1998).


Amar Bhide perceives superior execution and responsive operation as a strategy for the success of an organization. The long-term strategic and competitive planning is underplayed from the viewpoints of Amar Bhide. He takes the side of performance approach, organization-led view and RBV as opposed to competition approach, environment-led view and positioning view. Personally, strategy should be the combination of internally and externally influenced factors and shall be evolving, progressive and updated, subject to the changes of external environment as well as the advantages of internal resources and competencies.


Armstrong, J. S. (1982), ‘The Value of Formal Planning for Strategic Decisions: Review of Empirical Research,’Strategic Management Journal, 3(3), pp. 197-211.

Bhide, A. (1984). ‘Hustle as strategy’. Harvard Business Review, Sep-Oct.

Clardy, A.(2008). ‘The strategic role of Human Resource Development in managing core competencies’, Human Resource Development International, 11(2), pp.183-197.

Chaharbaghi, K. and Willis, R. (1998). ‘Strategy: the missing link between continuous revolution and constant evolution’,International Journal of Operations, 18(9), pp.1017-1027.

Kim, Y. J., Song, J., Koo, C. (2008). ‘Exploring the effect of strategic positioning on firm performance in the e-business context’,International Journal of Information Management, 28(3), pp. 203-214.

Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy Safari: The complete guide through the wilds of strategic management. Prentice Hall: London.

Peteraf, M.A. (1993). ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based View’, Strategic Management Journal>, 14(3), pp.179-191.

Porter, M. E. (1979). ‘How competitive forces shape strategy’, Harvard Business Review, 57 (2), pp. 137-145.

Porter, M.E. (1996). “What is Strategy?”, Harvard Business Review,74(6), pp.61-78.

Wang, H.C., He, J., Mahoney, J.T., (2009). ‘Firm-specific knowledge resources and competitive advantage: the roles of economic- and relationship-based employee governance mechanisms’, Strategic Management Journal>, 30(12), pp. 1265-1285.

Wernerfelt, B. (1984) “A Resource-based View of the Firm”, Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), pp.171-180.

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