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Georgian College 加拿大HRM代写

时间:2016-12-01 20:35来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

管理无定式, 世界上不存在放之四海而皆准的管理模式,这是许多管理工作者的观点,也是许多学者的观点。众所周知 ,人是世界上最复杂的对象,因此关于人力资源管理模式的研究,可能就更困难了 。什么是人力资源管理模式? 存在不存在人力资源管理模式? 目前实践中存在那些人力资源管理模式?如何进行选择?加拿大Georgian College HURM1000这门课就将从人力资源管理的基本概念和理论出发,对以上的问题进行深层次的探讨和解答。Essayphd 服务加拿大HRM代写

加拿大乔治亚学院是位于安大略省的公立学院,提供多科目专业课程供学生选择。加拿大Georgian College 与当地的大企业有教育合作关系,加拿大不允许国际学生打工,但是学生获得工作授权以后不仅能够在企业获得实践经验而且还能够获得公司薪金。丰富的专业知识和实践经验使得加拿大乔治亚学院毕业学生的就业率高达93% 并且加拿大乔治亚学院和多所大学有合作关系,学生毕业后可以直接转入加拿大乔治亚学院的合作大学,并且相关专业的学分可以直接转至合作学校。人力资源管理是中国留学生们的一个重要的专业选择,essayphd服务加拿大HRM代写多年,拥有丰富的加拿大HRM代写经验。


每年都有很大一部分的中国留学生们选择人力资源管理 Human Resource management作为他们的专业。而人力资源管理涉及到的方面很多,是一种比较复杂的管理类型,许多在陌生的语言文化环境中学习人力资源管理的同学会感到比较吃力,需要学业上的一些帮助。 作为老牌的专业学霸代写团队,拥有强大的来自英美澳加各地top大学的人力资源管理 Human Resource Management的PhD写手阵容,可以为广大留学生提供包括加拿大HRM代写等人力资源管理各科课程的作业和论文代写以及网课代上代修服务。更多详情请登陆EssayPhD官网 www.essayphds.com 或者咨询24小时客服QQ 微信: 981468205

加拿大HRM代写Subject Code:


Course Number:



  • HRM 2109 Human Res. Mgmt. Foundations
  • and HRMG 4000 Human Resource Management
  • and BDE 2102 Human Resources Management
  • and HRMN 1007 Human Resources Management
  • and MAN 2311 Human Resources Management
  • and HURM 1008 Human Resources Mgmt (ODE)
  • and HURM 1012 Principles of HRM (ODE)

加拿大HRM代写Course Description:

This course provides an understanding of the modern Canadian human resources function. It covers the historical development of human resources management, the influence of government, staffing, employee relations, current trends and future issues. It provides a brief introduction to more specialized areas including compensation, training and development, employment law, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and human resources planning.

加拿大HRM代写Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  • 1. Explain Canadian human resource management, and describe its key elements.
  • 2. Analyze the relationship between the human resources function and the rest of the organization.
  • 3. Analyze how the current political, social and economic environment affects human resources within an organization.
  • 4. Analyze and understand staffing patterns, employee relations, current trends and future issues in order to deal with them effectively as they arise in the organization.
  • 5. Exhibit a general understanding of such specialized areas including: compensation, training and development, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, human resources planning.
  • 6. Utilize the appropriate approach and analytical skills to deal with human resource issues which will arise when the student is employed in the business world.

加拿大HRM代写Course Content:

  • A. The historical development of human resources management.
  • B. The influence of Government legislation on human resources management, including Occupational Health and Safety.
  • C. Meeting Human Resource requirements for Planning, Staffing, Performance Appraisal, Training & Development.
  • D. Compensation: Job evaluation, pay structure, & benefits.
  • E. Employee Relations: Discipline and employee assistance.
  • F. Labour Relations: Unions, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
  • G. Current trends and future issues.



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