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时间:2020-12-01 15:34来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD 点击:
一个网站包含诸多元素:文案内容、色彩呈现、排版设计、交互体验等等,因此评估一个网站也可以从很多角度出发,并非只有计算机专业人士才能置喙。下面这个sample就是一个非计算机专业的网站评估报告,一个关于online documentary的case study:
Students research and analyse an existing online documentary project that engages with their own research, interests or professional concerns. Students will critically reflect on the selected project, discussing issues such as the context, platform choice, interface design, structure and navigation, user experience, social media integration, innovation or other relevant issues.
You should include a short general synopsis/background context:

  • what is it?
  • who produced it?
  • what is its purpose?
  • If it falls within a particular genre e.g. serious game, data visualisation, transmedia, VR, AR, etc. - let us know
You also need to reflect and comment on issues such as:

  • Platform choice 
  • The interface design
  • The project structure/ architecture
  • This flows into a sense of the overall user experience – including a description of the kind of experience being crafted for an audience
(exploring an environment, serious game using 1st person POV;  multiple POV; interactive database using non linear navigation/ exploration; social or documentary platform) and also discussing
how usable is the work, how easy or intuitive is it to find, get to or navigate content?
How smooth and intuitive are the interactions or is it complex or confusing to use?

  • Does it utilise social media in interesting ways? How is social media integrated in the project?
  • Is it quite innovative in some way that you’d like to bring attention to?

  • Introduction/Background/Context
    • What is the project about?
    • Who created the project, where and when? (potentially why?)
    • Context - what does the reader need to know to understand your project?
  • Platform and audience
    • Platform (both devices and software) - implications of these choices
    • Storage
    • Speed
    • Affordance
    • How does those affect content?
  • Interface Design
    • Line
    • Color
    • Shape
    • Space
    • Texture
    • Scale and size
    • Contrast
    • Balance
  • Structure and Navigation
    • Persistent navigation (is it consistent on every page?)
    • Sticky navigation
    • interviews
  • User Experience (overall experience crafted due to these design choices)
  • Social Media Integration (if relevant)
  • Innovation or other relevant issues (if any)
  • References
  • Intersperse your 3-5 annotated screen grabs/shots to help exemplify/illustrate your analysis
这篇sample选取的是纪录片unspeak网站,这个网站在设计上有可取之处,比如:黑白双色干净清晰,对比强烈;横向3幅排列,突出内容中心;用户体验上,宽屏用户可以得到最佳体验,网站加载速度快,视频内容允许用户参与,分享到社交媒体选项非常易用等等,也存在诸多值得提升的地方,比如弹出式提示侧窗会遮盖内容,打断用户浏览,并且必须单击才能关闭;某些页面的字体观感不佳之类的。需要强调的是,这并不是一个专业的评估报告,不存在所谓的“正确答案”,sample基本从个人视角出发,辅助以少量学术文献,言之成理即可。It is about you reflecting, critiquing, researching and forming an opinion


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