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英国Urban Economic 代写

时间:2016-10-21 16:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

PROPERTY 763: Urban Economic Analysis是经济学的高阶课程。课程涉及case study以及data analysis。对体制因素和宏观经济的相关分析会影响城市的房地产市场。这些分析包括房地产在各种理论观点环境之下的动态发展过程以及对当地政府的决策过程的检测。通过这门课程的学习,学生要求能够对城市理论已经城市化进程有自己批判性的思考。对影响城市住宅、商业以及零售的城市化进程有深入理解。利用上课掌握的理论,独立收集资料数据进行分析。课程对学生要求非常高,并且非常注重理论与实践的结合。在接到同学们英国Urban Economic代写需求的时候,数据问题就一直非常让人头疼。因为找不到非常匹配得数据,特别是很多数据网上没有,需要老师提供或者要去当地的政府机构去咨询收集。但是这些问题都被PhD很好的克服了,随着越来越丰富的英国Urban Economic 代写经历。我们很好的掌握了老师上课的意图以及出题的思路。

英国urban economic 代写

Property 763 urban economic analysis这门课程是英国苏赛克斯大学经济学专业master的课程,课程偏难,所以经常会有学弟学妹找我们帮忙英国urban economic 代写或者辅导。The university of Sussex一所研究型大学,学校位于英国南部莱顿镇附近。苏塞克斯大学在英国、欧洲和世界各大大学排行榜中名列前茅。良好的国际声望吸引了众多位于各学科领域前沿的教师和学者来到该大学。其中包括3位诺贝尔奖得主。英国the university of Sussex为海外学生提供了大量的奖学金和助学金,吸引很多中国留学生慕名求学。以下是我们在PROPERTY 763 英国Urban Economic 代写的时候整理出来的课程介绍。

Course Prescription

Analysis of macro-economic and institutional factors that affect urban property markets. Covers dynamic processes in the build environment from a variety of theoretical perspectives and examines the nature of local government and planning processes as they affect property development.

Programme and Course Advice

Prerequisite: PROPERTY 261 and 351.

Goals of the Course

This course requires students to critically engage with urban theory and contemporary urban processes.

英国Urban Economic 代写要求:

By the end of this course it is expected that the student will be able to:

  • 1. Critically engage with a variety of urban theories that are relevant to urban property issues;
  • 2. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of contemporary processes affecting housing, commercial and retail property; and
  • 3. Undertake theoretically informed independent research that involves the collection and analysis of appropriate secondary data.

Content Outline

The course is divided into 3 sections, each consisting of lectures, class discussions and student led seminars.

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