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Property finance论文代写

时间:2017-04-17 17:07来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

Property finance and investment251这门课是新西兰奥克兰大学(the university of Auckland)商学院大二房地产专业的课程。课程涉及金融,会计相关专业知识。资产购买、发展和管理是金融的基本组成部分。房地产投资、现金流贴现、风险回报以及金融数学等理论的实际运用都是房地产金融的关键。Property finance课程旨在让学生更好的理解房地产金融。Essayphd也提供property finance论文代写服务,从入门到高阶到实际的数据分析运用的项目。团队中有专门property finance论文代写的写手。帮助过众多留学生。以下是property finance and investment 251这门课的介绍。需要property finance论文代写的同学欢迎加我们微信essayphd来咨询我们。

property finance论文代写

property finance论文代写 Course Prescription

Finance represents a fundamental part of how properties are purchased, developed and managed. The application of general theories of property investment, discounted cash flow, risk and return, and financial mathematics is vital for property professionals. Debt and equity financing options are discussed for residential property, income-producing property, and development projects.

property finance论文代写 Goals of the Course

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a conceptual framework and practical tools to better understand and evaluate the processes of property finance.

property finance论文代写 Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course it is expected that the student will be able to:

  • 1. demonstrate an understanding of various types of mortgages used in financing of residential properties;
  • 2. perform investment analysis of various financing alternatives for income-producing property;
  • 3. evaluate the risks and rewards associated with a range of approaches used when investing in and financing residential and commercial property; and
  • 4. learn the fundamentals of financial modelling for investment analysis using MS Excel.

Essayphd 专业phd大神提供property finance论文代写


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