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时间:2020-09-29 15:45来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD 点击:

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills required for financial planning. It covers a wide range of topics that a financial planner may consider when developing a financial plan (known as a Statement of Advice) for a client. This includes wealth creation, wealth protection (insurance), taxation and retirement and estate planning strategies; as well as other valuable knowledge and financial planning skills that students can use in both their professional and personal lives.

While this course is intended as a foundation course for students completing a Program in Financial Planning, students choosing to do this course as an elective will also find this course useful. For students completing a Program in Financial Planning, the knowledge and skills gained in this course are developed further through the Program.

所以,此次的file note作业就虚构了一个financial planner与一名客户的interview script,要求从中提取去客户的当前财务状况、财务目标、可能的问题等,并基于这些情况来给出战略性的建议。具体的要求如下:

Based on the interview transcript ‘James- Initial Client Interview’ (below) you are required to prepare a detailed file note [strategy paper] using the templates provided on L@G.

Overall, your final file note [strategy paper], should include an overview of the interview with James, including his current situation, his goals and objectives and any issues raised; and then based on this information, your strategic recommendations that address how he should achieve these goals. These recommendations should include wealth creation (both inside and outside of superannuation), wealth protection (insurance), estate planning, social security and lifestyle recommendations (as appropriate).
In practice, your file note [strategy paper] would most likely go to a paraplanner who would use the recommendations (and reasoning) given in this to prepare a Statement of Advice (SOA) for James.  However, you are not required to prepare a SOA.

Please note that a standard SOA template generally contains generic information such as what is a managed fund, what is total and permanent disability insurance etc. Accordingly, you are not required to include generic product information such as this in your submissions. Instead, the focus of your submission should be your strategy recommendations (and reasons why etc)

下面这篇范文附带了老师的批注,老师的评语指出了很多可以提升的地方,比如recommendation要更加的tailored for client,这就提示我们,在做这类型的作业时,不仅要模仿这个范文的结构、表述等,还需要更加具体的结合client的实际情况,给出更加契合的建议。


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