这是我们在2017年为美国普渡大学(Purdue University)的学弟写的一篇生物学论文代写范文。这篇文章讲的是最近很火的话题,关于HPV疫苗。首先在开头部分来介绍文章的背景信息,首先提出HPV疫苗既不是绝对有效的,也不是绝对的安全。HPV病毒总是有新的变异,使得目前可用的疫苗随时间的变化而变得越来越无效。
The article argues that HPV vaccine is neither absolutely effective nor safe. This information is accurate. In this context, this article refers to several academic reports that provide data and evidence to support this idea. In the first place, the vaccine contains only four of the more than 100 known human papilloma viruses, and only two of the 30 that have been associated with the development of cervical cancer. Secondly, there are always new variations of HPV virus, making the currently available vaccine less and less effective with time. Thirdly, the efficacy of the HPV vaccine will not last forever and the vaccination will postpone the young women’s exposure to the virus to an age when they are less likely to clear the infection on their own and be subject to more severe disease. After all, the efficacy of the HPV vaccine has not been demonstrated yet because cervical cancer typically takes 20 to 30 or more years to develop and this vaccine has only been licensed since 2006. This message will make people to take a second thought before getting vaccinated.
在第二部分通过更多的分析来充实自己的内容,例如提出强制使用HPV疫苗是不太合理的。 同时给读者表明自身的态度,因为对他们的搜索是基于相对可靠的资源的,包括像是在科学期刊上发表的多篇研究文章等等。
The most important message of this article is that the mandatory use of the HPV vaccines is not justified. This information is basically accurate since it is based upon relatively reliable resources including several research articles published in scientific journals. The least important statement in this article is that there are several causal factors of cervical cancer since it does not directly affect the opinion of readers on the HPV vaccine.
Overall, this information provided in this article is an accurate presentation of the facts with regard to the HPV vaccine for not only women and their parents but also decision makers who decide whether or not to mandate HPV vaccination for school enrolment.
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