这是我们在2017年为澳洲昆士兰大学的学妹写的一篇澳洲社会学book review的范文,introduction部分介绍了文章的背景信息,首先介绍丹尼尔米勒--伦敦大学学院人类学教授,他的著作包括《消费及其后果》。《消费及其后果》不是仅仅关于政治或理论的书籍,而是关于人们实际消费的研究合集。以下便是澳洲社会学book review代写节选的范文:
Daniel Miller is a professor of anthropology at University College London, his book - Consumption and Its Consequences (2012) follows on from his own previous book Stuff (2010). Consumption and Its Consequences is not about politics or theory, but ethnographic study, which is about people actually doing consumption with examples ranging from Christmas preparation in Trinidad to frock purchase in England. All these examples propose that many economic and political theories about consumption are misguided, in most scenarios, consumption is more or less about cultural expression.
The key of this book is to address to questions: 1) what is consumption? 2) why we consume? and 3) what are the consequences of consumption? There is a general consensus on shopping that it is materialistic, individual-centric and hedonistic ideology. While Miller critics these recurring arguments in this book, arguing that although materialism and emulation are aspects of consumption, they have only minor relevance compared with larger cosmologies and social relationship issues. With a prologue and postscript, this book is divided into six chapters, presenting diverse perspectives and raising various issues in terms of the consequences and nature of consumption at both international and domestic levels; the relationship between consumption and capitalism, advertising; the association of consumption with materialism and morality; and the scope and nature of consumption.
Miller’s aim in this book is very clear - to save consumption from being reduced because of political stance and moral adjudication. Rather than firing out consumption, the author advocates to think about consumption seriously, as it shape people’s mind and reflects the core values in the society.
社会学 book review写起来并不难,难的是要读的书以及对书中内容的掌握。需要澳洲社会学book review代写的小伙伴欢迎联系我们。