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时间:2020-09-18 11:59来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD 点击:
这是一篇英国谢菲尔德大学INF6029 data analysis课程的范文,根据课程的介绍:

This module provides an introduction to analysing data using statistical methods, e.g., descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses. It will demonstrate different ways of analysing data, presenting the results of analyses (for example, graphically and using tables and text) and interpreting their meaning. Students undertaking the module will gain practical experience in using SPSS. By the end of the module students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and theories of statistical data analysis, describe and use a variety of statistical methods, present the outputs of data analysis in an appropriate way and be able to use statistical software. 

  • Individual project to analyse data using the methods covered in the module

  • Produce a 2,500 ±10% word essay (excluding: tables, figures, diagrams, references and appendix) on a topic of your choice from the NLSAA study

  • The Abstract is included in the word count

  • Use the NLSAA data set

  • Define your research question -it can be a single, overarching one or a few smaller ones

  • Select a set of appropriate categorical and continuous variables (discuss with Laura if needed)

  • Describe these variables

  • Analyse variables using appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical methods: 

            hypothesis testing (setting of H0 for each analysis)

            e.g. Mann-Whitney, Correlation, Chi2 tests, Regression

  • Prepare a report to present, describe and discuss the analyses

  1. 已经指定了使用本课程中涵盖的方法,比如卡方检验、回归分析等

  2. 已经指定了使用提供的NLSAA数据集

  3. 研究问题由自己拟定,需要做到具体、细化

最终的呈现方式是一个2500 word report,需要遵循这样的结构:

1. Title
2. Abstract (structured or not -it doesn’t matter)
3. Introduction (context of the study -why it’s important)
4. Literature review (review of recent/relevant studies)
5. Research aim and objectives
6. Methodology, which should include (maybe as sub-sections):
a) Description of used variables, analyses and procedures
b) Brief description of the NLSAA study and its data
c) Presentation, description and summary the data (descriptive stats)
d) Use of diagrams and details on the distribution of the data where appropriate (i.e. continuous variables)
7. Results (where you present the numerical results of your inferential analyses, including the individual H0for each test)
8. Discussion (where results are critically discussed):
a) in relation to other studies
b) limitations of the study
c) suggestions for further analyses
9. Conclusion
10. References
11. Remember to include an Appendix containing copies of all SPSS output (not part of the word count, but compulsory




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