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reflective writing代写

时间:2016-09-11 23:10来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD团队 点击:

这是一篇reflective writing代写的范文,对前面过往的学习的回顾和反思,不仅要契合课程内容,还有基于作者的实际情况,拒绝泛泛而谈。
Reflection on course learning (20%)
After each week’s lecture

  • write a 1-2 page reflection on key elements/issues that you found personally relevant or interesting and why.
  • can be in bullet points, diagrams, illustrations
  • in week 11 you will be required to choose and submit four reflections for marking. 

Topics you could cover:

  • How did you feel/what were your emotional reactions?
  • Have you been through similar issues/problems/visitor experiences?
  • Did this lecture make you think about things differently?  How/why?
  • What are the visitor management implications for places that you have visited?
  • What have you learnt about yourself personally?
  • What surprised/interested you and why?


  • When watching the video I remembered when I first heard about these issues many years ago – at the time I thought I wouldn’t want to go there – doesn’t sound very interesting. 
  • I experienced a strong emotional reaction to the video clip shown in class
    • How could they let these amazing monuments be eroded and damaged? This is such an important part of history – we need to protect it! 
    • I wanted to do something!  This made me realise that lots of places are suffering in the same way. If we don’t do something soon, there will be nothing left.  So many places need our help – there is already so much damage done! 
    • Why do humans not realise what they are doing until it’s too late? 
    • It also made me realise that our ancestors had very little regard or respect for the built or natural environment – I’m hoping we have learnt a lesson and that we are now much better at thinking about protecting our heritage!
    • I started to wonder if we can reverse or even halt damage/’progress’ or is it just too late to do anything?  Should we just give up?  Feeling quite helpless – is there anything I can do personally?
    • I really can’t believe that they have left this problem for so long – this was first raised as a management issue in 1986 – WHY has it taken so long?
  • I really felt I had to tell people about it – make them aware of the challenges at the site but also show them that there’s always hope.
  • Once I saw the second half of the video, I was so relieved – finally they are doing something after all these years.  Felt much more relaxed/at peace.  The stones will sing again.  They will ‘live’ in harmony with the landscape – they will be respected.
  • This example has made me realise that it’s SO important when you design visitor attractions and experiences to think about the impacts.  And to realise that there may be other activities that are happening close by that will affect the visitor experience and maybe the attraction itself.
    • Here, the roads were built without any real thought given to the ancient monument or to the visitors who flock to see it.
    • We need a strong voice if we are to preserve historic sites for the future – we need to fight development that impacts on important places and resources.  Unless we have a voice, these things could be ruined forever
  • I really appreciate the importance of everyone doing something, no matter how small, to help – give money, raise awareness, visit the site and show your support
    • Am now an English heritage member – I won’t get much value out of my membership in terms of visits but I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I helped saved something very precious
    • I will definitely visit next time I am in the UK as I want to see what they have done
  • There are so many other places that are also suffering
    • Might not be so famous but they are still important
    • Who decides on what is worth saving?  What ‘values/elements’ do they have to have?
    • What is our definition of important heritage?  Whose heritage?  It really depends on which perspective you take
    • I would really like to get involved in these discussions in my local neighbourhood – we also have things worth saving, even if they aren’t as old or spectacular as Stonehenge!
    • I started to think about the small historical museum in the town where I live – I’ve never even been in it!  I wonder what they’re preserving.  Perhaps I should offer to help as a volunteer – do something proactive and offer my expertise in this area.  Perhaps I could make a difference?
  • This exercise also made me realise that the things worth saving aren’t always bricks and mortar – it’s the value to the people.  Does this change over time?  Is what is important to us, important to our grandchildren?
    • With changing perspectives, could some of the things we regard as precious be lost?  How do we put a value on that for the long-term? 
    • This has really made me question what is important in my own life – what previous artefacts and memories do I want to preserve for the future?  What should I ensure gets passed on?  I need to make a list and ensure that these get set aside for the next generation – a task for next weekend!

Reflection on learning 是反思性质的学习日志,不仅仅是流水账式的记录发生过的事,更重要的是以批判性的眼光回顾、总结前期学习训练活动中的得与失,为下一步学习校准方向。
Reflective writing代写虽然需要结合自身的实际情况,但是EssayPhD团队充分了解客户的情况之后再进行创作,写出来的reflection一点也不会偏题。


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