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education essay代写范文展示

时间:2018-07-20 11:03来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这是我们在2017年为新西兰皇后镇大学的学妹做的一篇education essay代写范文,文章通过提问和回答来展现作者的想法和观点,我们选取了两题来给大家做分享。首先第一题指出教师是有时会反省自己的练习者。他们做出的每一个决定以及他们采取的每种教学方法都受到他们的信仰和价值观的高度影响,这是教师对世界的信念和对他们来自何处的理解的深刻反映。

Teachers are practitioners who reflect on themselves on occasions. Every decision they make and every teaching method they take are highly affected by their beliefs and values, which is the close reflection of teachers’ beliefs about the world and their understanding of where they come from. Belief, comes from a teacher’s life experience, is significant in a teacher’s teaching as well as his life. It makes one understand better of the world and events and helps one to perceive the new information. A teacher’s beliefs have greater influence than his knowledge on his teaching planning, various kinds of decisions making and classroom practice. It also directly determines a teacher’s behaviors to his students. A teacher’s beliefs can be influential when organizing and defining learning tasks and problems as well as managing the class. Therefore, one teacher can identify students’ capabilities on learning and they will modify their teaching and instructions correspondingly. What's more, a teacher’s beliefs can also be influenced by the social culture. Forming a new belief is the course of receiving culture. Hence, a teacher’s beliefs are more influential rather than his knowledge. They are the results of a teacher’s social culture, life experience and education, as well as his ability of teaching. Beliefs make sense for what teachers experience in class and in turns they also create meaning for teachers.

education essay代写
education essay代写


History gives a teacher’s cultural identity and it reveals the value a teacher brings to his teaching and classroom practice. Culture refers to the complex whole of beliefs, knowledge customs and any other capabilities acquired by the people. Culture is not simply the things we do, but values, attitudes and ideologies that underpin our decision and choices. Influenced by cultural and social interactions, a teacher brings his personalities and instruction style to the classroom. Culture is the shadow of one teacher, wherever culture goes, the teacher, as well as his classroom follow it. Cultural background may also affect a teacher’s For teachers from dominant cultural opinion and behaviors. However, a teacher’s cultural background rather than his knowledge largely determines his decisions making. His expectation to teaching and students also influenced by his cultural beliefs.

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