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英国Leadership & Change Management SIT4051代写

时间:2016-10-13 14:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

Leadership & Change Management SIT4051这门课是英国格拉斯哥大学大四的商科课程。众所周知英国格拉斯哥大学商科非常有名,而慕名而去深造的中国学生很多,甚至很多非商科专业的学生也会选修一些商科课程,所以很多非商科专业的学生选修了Leadership & Change Management SIT4051这门课。格拉斯哥大学是一所历史悠久的名牌大学,它位于苏格兰最大的城市格拉斯哥。它是苏格兰的第二所大学,同时也是英国第四古老的大学和全球最古老的十所大学之一。University of Glasgow科研和教学水平在国际上享有盛誉,并在英国的文化和商业生活中发挥着举足轻重的作用。以下是关于英国格拉斯哥大学Leadership & Change Management SIT4051的课程介绍

而当理解了领导力的含义以及所谓的管理之后,对于这样的课程的作业,写起来就会相对一无所知时更加得心应手。而Essay PhD团队提供的英国Leadership  Change Management SIT4051代写已经帮助了多位刚到国外留学的药理学学弟学妹拿到了心仪的分数。尤其,像这样开放在非商科专业的商科作业。可见,像这样的论文代写,熟悉程度多多少少决定了你这篇论文的分数,所以,Essay PhD团队的写手可以很好的提供熟练的论文代写服务。
Leadership & Change Management SIT4051 代写
Short Description
It is important that registered professional nurses develop an understanding of the managerial and leadership qualities required to shape and manage increasingly complex and diverse health care services. This course will allow the student an insight into the theory of leadership and management and how it applies to practice.
Requirements of Entry
Successful completion of the Diploma in Nursing and registration with the Singapore Nursing Board.
Successful completion of all level 3 courses.
Essay 2,000 words (80%)
Group presentation (20%)
Course Aims
  • Allow the student to develop an understanding of the managerial and leadership qualities required by registered professional nurses to shape and manage increasingly complex and diverse health care services.
  • Provide the student with an opportunity to explore the various aspects of leadership, including theories of leadership and management and change theories and how they apply to practice in the context of health care.
  • Enable the student to develop skills to effectively lead, facilitate and supervise others involved in providing care in an evolving health and social care environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course
By the end of this course students will be able to:
  • 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application of models for change management, tools and techniques for assessing the need for change and for evaluating the impact of change.
  • 2. Examine the issues around resistance to change.
  • 3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of theories of motivation, leadership, problem-solving and decision making.
  • 4. Apply knowledge of relevant related subjects to the process of team building and team management.
  • 5. Critically explore and analyse strategies to facilitate negotiation and conflict management.
  • 6. Critically reflect on their own leadership and management skills in the context of their role.

Essay PhD论文代写团队专业提供>英国Leadership & Change Management SIT4051 代写


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