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新西兰BUS 101 business and enterprise 代写

时间:2016-09-28 19:05来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:


BUS 101 business and enterprise是新西兰The university of Auckland开设的商科入门课程.这门课是商科的基础课程,旨在让学生了解什么是商业,以及外部因素和内部因素对商业的影响。Essayphd论文代写团队接到过很多新西兰BUS 101 business and enterprise代写需求。经验非常丰富,这种基础的课程非常easy。有不懂的地方也可以联系我们,提供专业的论文辅导以及奥克兰大学BUS 101 business and enterprise代写。一下是这门课的基础介绍以及基础要求。

Course Prescription

Businesses compete for ideas, customers, employees and capital. Entrepreneurs and managers make choices about how to create and capture value through innovation, differentiation of products and services, and how they utilise resources and organise activities. Explores frameworks for understanding how these choices are shaped by markets, technologies, government and society. Develops entrepreneurial thinking, management skills and professional capabilities needed in business.

Programme and Course Advice

Restriction: MGMT 101, BUSINESS 191

Goals of the Course

Business 101 is about understanding business. This course develops preparatory academic and professional skills as it examines what a business is and what the influence of external and internal factors are on that business. The goal of this course is to examine what a business is and what the influence of external and internal factors are on that business.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course it is expected that students will be able to:

  • I. Describe what a business is and identify and describe the influence of internal and external factors on a business.
  • II. Apply this understanding to make reasoned decisions and solve business problems both individually and in team settings.
  • III. Demonstrate skills in academic and information literacy.
  • IV. Describe how to work effectively as a team member.
  • V. Make informed change-management decisions, drawing on a variety of factors, and argue the case for those decisions.

Content Outline

BUSINESS 101 contains a series of three interlocking modules:

  • 1. What is the purpose of a business?
  • 2. How do external factors influence a business?
  • 3. How do internal factors influence a business?

Learning and Teaching

The BUSINESS 101 approach to learning is designed on the principles of both flipped classroom and team learning. This approach emphasises both individual and team capabilities. The course also has an online component, called Workshop Preparation, that guides students, each week, to complete tasks in preparation for their weekly workshop.

Each week you will attend a Weekly Workshop that lasts for two hours. This takes place in a specially designed team learning laboratory, in classes of about 100 students.

During the first week of the course, you will be formed into teams that will remain together for the duration of the semester. Each team normally comprises seven students. There is no requirement for you to meet or work as a team outside of the scheduled weekly workshop times.

Following screening, you may be invited to attend additional academic skills tutorials. These tutorials are designed to build academic and language skills and will help you to succeed in your studies. Even without an invitation to attend you are very welcome to optionally choose to attend these tutorials to enhance your academic skills.

It is expected that you will spend about 10 hours per week on this course:

  • • Up to three to four hours each week will be spent in online Workshop Preparation.
  • • Two hours will be spent in your Weekly Workshop.
  • • For those who are invited or chosen to attend academic skills tutorials, up to two hours will be spent each week attending your tutorial.
  • • The remaining time, on average about two to four hours for a typical student, will be used for individual study e.g. consolidating notes, preparing for tests etc.

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