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英国MKTG201 Marketing management 代写

时间:2016-10-13 15:27来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

营销管理(marketing management)的功能和价值在当今社会已获得认可。作为一个专业概念, 营销管理在管理界、企业界和教育界已广为流行。但人们在对它的认识上常常存在一些模糊和问题, 例如, 营销管理是否即营销学(marketing)? 营销管理的内涵、核心和特点是什么? 营销管理是如何发展演化的? 其各个发展阶段的标志是什么? 其未来变化趋势如何? 尤其在中国等发展中国家的转型阶段, 这些问题深刻影响着营销管理社会功能的发挥。英国MKTG201 Marketing management代写是EssayPhD团队非常擅长的一门课。需要Marketing management代写的童鞋请联系我们Marketing方向的PhD。

MKTG201 Marketing management 这门课程是英国谢菲尔德大学商科专业开设的Marketing进阶课程,课程结合营销以及管理学专业知识。University of Sheffield位于英国第四大城市谢菲尔德市,是世界百强名校,其声望及教学质量在英国国内虽然比起那些顶尖名校要略逊一筹,但是在国际上也拥有很高的声誉。作为英国百年名校,谢菲尔大学一直以来都是世界各地众多优秀学子向往的地方。以下是我们在为英国谢菲尔大学MKTG201 Marketing management代写的时候 整理出来的课程作业要求。

Course Prescription

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of marketing management. Basic marketing concepts and elements of marketing practice are applied to marketing activities within UK and the global economy.

Programme and Course Advice

Prerequisites: ECON 191 or 101 and MGMT 101, or BUSINESS 102 or 192, and STATS 108 or 191.

Restriction: MKTG 291.

Goals of the Course

This course will introduce you to the principles of marketing and, through analyses of real-world marketing issues, will allow you to apply these concepts to address problems and opportunities facing UK marketers, both domestically and internationally.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:

  • 1. understand the importance in business practice of being marketing oriented;
  • 2. describe a range of common strategies for use with each of the various marketing mix tools: product, pricing, promotion, and distribution;
  • 3. recommend and justify an appropriate mix of such strategies to form a cohesive overall strategy to address given marketing tasks or situations; and
  • 4. use examples from current events and real-world marketing situations to apply, illustrate, and discuss different marketing strategies.

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