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San Mateo Business Management代写

时间:2016-10-26 20:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

Business Management活动范围非常广,涉及的知识 面也非常宽。在一个完整的管理过程中,要适应复杂的、变化的环境,要解决组织中产生的各种间题,这些间题十分复 杂。Business Management代写内容的复杂性决定了它既涉及普通心理学、生物学、生理学等不具有阶级性的自然科学,又应用社会学、社会心理学、政治学等具有明显阶级性的社会科学,它正是在这些自然科学和社会科学互相交叉渗透的基础上发展起来的。这也要求从事管 理的实践工作者要以广博的知识作为基础。

Business Management 代写的研究方法极其丰富,目前主要包括观察法、案例法、间卷调查法、访谈法、数学模型、实验室实验、现场试验等多种方法。

Business Management代写除了要运用其他学科的 知识作用于无生命的物上,更重要的是要充发挥组织中最重要的资源一人力资源的作用。通过管理,充分调动组织成员的积极性,更好地利用各种资源,获得经济效益和社会效益。所以Business Management是如此的重要。而essayphd团队接到了很多来自San Mateo学院的Business Management代写需求。

Business Management代写

美国圣马特奥学院坐落在旧金山湾区硅谷中心地带,是一所优质的美国社区大学。与四年制的大学相比,社区大学的入学条件更加灵活。San Mateo学院提供传统的学期制和短期课程,是加州拥有最高转学率以及学院完成率的院校之一。

针对San Mateo社区大学的MGMT 100 Introduction to Business Management 这门课,EssayPhD 提供专业的Business Management代写,15年某客户曾在essayphd团队的学霸写手帮助下拿到了A+的总成绩。EssayPhD团队Business Management代写写手全部由来自英美澳加的在读或已毕业DBA组成,为留学生提供最靠谱最守时的Business Management代写服务。以下是College of San Mateo MGMT 100这么课程的基本介绍。

College of San Mateo

Official Course Outline

COURSE ID: MGMT 100 TITLE: Introduction to Business Management

Semester Units/Hours: 3.0 units; a minimum of 48.0 lecture hours/semester

Method of Grading: Letter Grade Only

Recommended Preparation:

Eligibility for ENGL 838 or 848


Degree Credit

Transfer credit: CSU

AA/AS Degree Requirements:

CSM - GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: E5d. Career Exploration and Self-Development


Catalog Description:

An examination of today’s business environment and the definition of, and application of, the principle tasks performed by managers in the management of their organizations known as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Specific skills addressed include: critical thinking; problem solving; decision-making; evaluation and application of management practices; leadership of individuals, teams and organizations.


Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • A. Identify the environment in which businesses today operate.
  • B. Define the role of the manager and the principal tasks managers perform related to planning, organizing,leading, controlling, management of diversity and communication.
  • C. Clearly identify and apply the decision-making skills that affect managerial success.
  • D. Apply critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills to address opportunities and issues in the workplace.


Lecture Content:

Managers and Managing

The Manager as Planner and Strategist

Decision Making

Managing in the Global Environment

Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

Values, Attitudes, Emotions: The Manager as a Person

Organizational Control and Change


Ethics and Social Responsibility

Managing Risk

Financial Management

Using Technology to Increase Performance

Managing in Age of Social Media

Managing Diverse Employees

Promoting Effective Communication

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