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时间:2017-03-24 20:29来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

酒店管理是管理学中的分支,酒店管理代写(Hospitality Management )一直都是很多学生头疼的问题。专业的写手并不多,其专业性强,不是酒店管理专业对口的写手,往往不能胜任。酒店管理代写需要专业的管理学知识以及较强的数据收集分析能力。对实际问题分析能力和综合能力的要求都非常高。而这个行业正在飞速发展,酒店管理的高端人才紧缺,越来越多的学生对酒店管理专业热情高涨。而海外酒店管理理念成熟,各大学校也开展了酒店管理细分课程。导致酒店管理代写供不应求。


Figure 1 above shows that the average room rate over the five-year period. The average room rate decreased steadily from year 1 to year 5 because the environment became more competitive due to increased number of hotels in the same area. In year 1 the room rate was $72.50, which was then decreased by $2.50 in year 2. In year 3 and 4 the room rate remained the same at $70 and at the end of year 5, the room rate decreased further to $67. The main reason for the gradual decrease was that the industry became more competitive in the area, therefore to enable them to compete with other competitors, the hotel had to adjust their average room rate in order to attract more customers and control the hotel business.

Figure 2 above shows that the advertising costs in year 2 decreased by a large amount and that the hotel only budgeted $2700 for advertisement in year 2. However, throughout the 5 years of simulation, the least amount of money spent on advertising was in year 2, this means that the hotel did not need a large amount of money to put into sales and marketing for the purpose of advertising. The second bar chart shows that even though in the second year the hotel did not spend a large amount of money on advertisement, in the same year, it still had the highest total revenue compared to the other years. In addition, the hotel had used a variety of advertisements in order to attract more customers to come to the hotel. For example, advertising weekday and weekend rooms on a local weekly newspaper in order to increase people’s awareness.酒店管理代写


Figure 3 above shows the revenue per available room (REVPAR) which is the average occupancy rate divided by the number of rooms. It is the revenue generated by each room taking into consideration the room and guest occupancy. The graph above clearly shows that the REVPAR gradually decreased throughout the 5 years of simulation but slowly, and the main reason for the decrease was the effect of the environment around the area. However, in order to increase the revenue, the hotel should increase the average room rate so that it can compete with the other competitors within the same market.

The graph and bar chart shown above in Figure 4 are the expenditure of food and beverages and the total food and beverages revenue. The graph demonstrated a rapid increase from year 1 to year 2, this was due to a new strategy being adopted by the hotel in year 1 which was using a new supplier for the food department. However, in the following 3 years there were no new strategies applied, therefore the total food and beverages revenue started to decrease slowly as well as the room revenue.

The bar chart and graph shown above in Figure 5 are the 5 years performance of total room revenue. The bar chart above clearly shows that total room revenue decreased by $123,348 from year 1 to year 2. Besides, from year 2 and onwards, the total room revenue also decreased until the end of year 4, this indicates that the hotel did not attract as much customers as in the first year and there were several problems existed such as customers passing by the hotel without noticing it. A large amount of money was put into advertising in year 5 so for this reason, the total room revenue largely increased by $1,568,077 from year 4 to year 5. For example, meal advertisement on a local weekly newspaper was selected as a promotion strategy in order to attract more customers to increase the total room revenue.

Figure 6 above illustrates the annual total revenue. At the beginning of the first year, the revenue was $3,052,693. It increased by $178,811 in year 2, this increase was due to spending lots of money on promotion tools, which had attracted more customers to the hotel. However, at the end of year 5, the total revenue reduced to only $2,902,309, this indicates that it was difficult for the hotel to build up customer loyalty and receive more revenue.

Limitation and setbacks酒店管理代写

Corgel (2005) highlighted that revenue and income related data are essentially important to understand the behaviour of the commercial real estate market and to estimate the underlying value of any real estate assets. There were several limitations and setbacks associated with this hotel. For example the hotel lacked facilities such as leisure facilities, business services, and conference facilities or meeting room, therefore it is essential for the hotel to build all these facilities in order to gain more customers to increase the total revenue. As the area had become a popular location for conferences due to its short distance from the airport, the hotel should consider a new advertising strategy to allow them to increase the hotel’s competitiveness in the market. According to Kandampully and Duddy (2001), the competitive advantage of a hospitality organisation is determined by the uniqueness of its superior service, and the degree to which it renders, it is difficult for the competition to emulate. The hotel industry is highly competitive since there are numerous existing alternatives, so a revenue manager needs to understand how a firm can achieve a competitive advantage over their competitors in order to success in this market.



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