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时间:2017-03-30 17:17来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这门课是the university of Auckland会计专业的进阶课程。课程的核心内容是金融素养。了解基础的金融理论能够帮助个人掌握实现金融目标的能力以及增加找工作的机会。课程将引导学生通过学习理解支出、储蓄、投资以及风险等方面掌握解读金融政策的能力。课程旨在训练学生在个人生活中培养制定金融决策管理个人财务的能力。了解金融以及预测金融政策对个人生活造成的影响。这门课程属于会计金融,个人会计的范畴,没有金融专业的课程讲得那么深。更多的是对个人的财务思维的培养,教育学生如何制定日常生活个人金融的决策。虽然是金融素养,但是属于会计范畴。Essayphd团队里会计PhD非常熟悉ACCTG 151G financial literacy 这门课。我们接到过很多ACCTG 151G financial literacy代写任务,并且都圆满的完成了。 也收到过老师的feedback。深知老师的重点所在。这门课其实并不难,我们ACCTG 151G financial literacy代写写手连老师的Lecture都看过好多遍了,写起来非常快。以下附上ACCTG 151G financial literacy 这门课的基本介绍。

financial literacy代写

Course Prescription financial literacy代写

Financial literacy is a ‘must include’ part of everyday life. Understanding the basic principles of finance enhances the ability of people to achieve their personal financial goals and to enhance job opportunities. This is done through an understanding of spending/saving/investing/risk along with the ability to read and understand financial statements. Programme and Course Advice

Restriction: May not be taken by students with a concurrent or prior enrolment in accounting or finance courses.

Goals of the Course financial literacy代写

The ability to make financial decisions and manage personal and business finances permeates all aspects of an individual’s life. From value shopping, buying a house, involvement in business organisations and evaluating the impact of financial decisions forms an essential life-time competency for every person in today’s society. Life requires an understanding of how finance and financial arrangements impact on members of a community from savings through to investments decisions.

The objective of this course is to provide a general education in the concepts and basic tools that form a foundation for financial competency and literacy.

Learning Outcomes financial literacy代写

By the end of this course it is expected that the student will be able to:

  • 1. Understand the financial planning process.
  • 2. Understand concepts of saving and spending.
  • 3. Prepare and evaluate budgets and understand the impact they have on commercial and human behaviour.
  • 4. Understand the decision p rocess in respect to car and housing decisions.
  • 5. Understand the components of consumer loans.
  • 6. Understand ‘investment’, shares, bonds (debentures) and managed funds.
  • 7. Analyse and interpret financial statements and explain the need for professional and ethical standards.

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