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business law代写

时间:2017-04-26 16:41来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

很多学商科的同学都会头疼这样一门课程,那就是business law的课程。因为这样的一门课程,它涉及的知识与平时所接触到的商科的学习,它可以说是并不是一个系统。但是,business law的话,却偏偏又在商科学生的整个学业生涯中占据着绝大多数的credits。所以,这样就让学生们不得不重视这样它了。

但是,倘若自己上课时并没有学到,而平时的assessment又占据课程中大半的成绩,那怎么办?这样的问题大可找essayphd团队来帮您排忧解难。 Essayphd团队中,无论是法律专业的大牛,亦或者是商科的大牛,都具备轻松hold住business law这样一门课程的能力。

而且,在business law的课程中,不仅仅是包含着assessment,还有exam等一系列的检测方式,这些方式essayphd团队都可以帮助到学生。Essayphd不仅仅提供相关的作业代写,还能提供对应的网络助考。这样就很大程度上,帮助到客户解决相应的困难了。

Business Law A

Please note that the following information may be subject to change.

Target Students: Available to all students. Not available to students from the School of Law.

Delivery: 20 one-hour lectures, 1 one-hour revision lecture and 4 one-hour tutorials.

Assessment: One 1.5-hour problem and essay-based examination (100%)

Exam Format: Section A: Answer FOUR out of SIX short essay questions (40%). Section B: Answer ONE out of TWO problem questions (60%).

Summary of Content UK legal framework

Impact of EU legislation

Law of contract - essential elements, performance and remedies.

Business and the Law of Tort

Employment Law

Law in a local and global context

Aims This module introduces participants to the study of law in a business context.

Key Words: Business Law

Learning Objectives & Outcomes Knowledge and understanding

This module develops a knowledge and understanding of:

Leadership, management and development of people including the implications of the legal context Leadership, management and development of organisations including the implications of the legal context Business Law and the English Legal System.

Intellectual skills

The ability to analyse facts and circumstances to determine the cause of a problem and identifying and selecting appropriate solutions Conceptual and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation

像上文提到的Nottingham University的business law课程,检测方式就是exam。而这样的exam在Essayphd团队看来,却是piece of cake。所以,一旦有需要business law代写的同学,可以立即扫描二维码,联系我们哦!


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