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英国商科论文代 写--全球化经济带来的问题

时间:2018-06-06 15:45来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这是我们在2017年为英国谢菲尔德大学的学弟学妹做的一篇英国商科论文代 写,以What Impact Has Globalisation Had on Inequality为题,开篇介绍背景信息,全球化的迅速发展使得全球经济充满了动态,人们普遍认为,全球化为全球经济带来了很多机遇。 另外,它给一个国家带来了很多挑战。在全球化带来的所有挑战中,关于收入的不平等可能是最显着的。本文的目的是深入调查全球化对不平等的影响。通过关注全球化在不同阶段带来的收入不平等的问题,本文主要对收入不平等之间的关系进行分析并且展示全球化带来的各种影响。

以下是英国商科论文代 写的范文,需要论文代 写服务的同学欢迎联系我们

The rapid development of globalisation makes the global economy full of dynamics (Wallace et al., 2011). It is widely acknowledged that globalisation brings lots of opportunities for the global economy. Also, it brings lots of challenges for a nation. Of all challenges brought by globalisation, inequality concerning about incomes may be one of the most remarkable (Krugman & Venables, 1995). The purpose of this essay is to make a deep investigation on what impact has globalisation had on inequality. By focusing on income inequality brought by globalisation at different segments, this essay primarily provides an analysis about the relationship between earnings inequality. Then, various dimensions of impacts made by globalisation will be shown in the next part.

这篇英国商科论文代 写范文Body部分写全球化创造的跨国公司对收入不平等影响很大。 过去几十年来,跨国公司的业务越来越多地扩展到全球市场。 通过全球市场,跨国公司几乎通过组织和管理跨国供应链来控制全球经济。 自20世纪90年代以来,超过三分之一的全球经济受到跨国公司的控制。

Multinational corporations created by globalisation have great impacts on income inequality. For the past few decades, multinational corporations have increasingly expanded its business into global markets. With acting in global markets, multinational corporations almost control the global economy by organising and managing supply chains over national boundaries. Since the 1990s, more than one-third global economy has been increasing controlled by multination corporations (Wallace et al., 2011). Specifically, this phenomenon can be seen as one kind of inequality that almost multinational corporations are from developed countries and their business mainly operated or expanded to developing countries. As Feenstra (2003) states that multinational corporations are highly related to integration of trade with focusing their attention on globalisation and disintegration of production in their home countries. Since labor and resources have been the critical factors to improve productivity, multinational corporations have continuously sought out cheaper labor. Wallace et al., (2011) indicates that multinational corporations have outsourced various business activities that mainly focus on productivity areas to foreign countries. As for domestic markets, the corporations provide jobs with requirements on quality rather than quantity. The activities obviously not only have negative impacts on foreign labors, but also cause inequality earnings in domestic labor markets.

英国商科论文代 写

Of all ways to operate business globally, foreign direct investment may be one of the most important approaches. Definitely, foreign direct investment is closely related income inequality. By allowing foreign companies to make direct investment in domestic markets, foreign capitals can penetrate in the specific markets. Obviously, as Mahutga and Bandelj (2008) state that the penetrated foreign capitals indeed bring challenges in earning inequality. Although majorities of studies indicate that developing countries have experienced income inequality made by globalisation, developed countries such as the US also have experienced the inequality (Wallace et al., 2011). Foreign direct investment in terms of the factors such as organizational capacity, labor dissent as well as economic situation of labor indeed affects earning inequality. Labors in different multinational corporations have been treated differently, which increases the income gap.

最后是结尾总结,首先肯定全球化确实对全球收入不平等产生了重大影响。 一方面,它增加了不同国家和不同层次劳动者之间的收入差距。 另一方面,它在缩小全球工资差距方面发挥着重要作用。资源或条件不同的国家有不同的发展,这反过来又扩大了不同国家之间的收入差距。受贸易解放影响的技术盈利与收入不平等高度相关,这使得技术人员获得的收益比其他人更多。另一方面,人均收入日益趋同,各国全球收入差距缩小。

In conclusion, globalisation indeed has great impacts on global income inequality. For one thing, it increases the income gap between different countries and different level of labors. For another thing, it plays an important role in diminishing the global wage gap. Specifically, the above analysis reflects that foreign direct investment to some degree can be treated as negative factors that enlarge income inequality among different labors within specific markets. Countries with different resources or conditions have different developments, which in turn widens the income gap between different countries. Also, technological profitable influenced by trade liberation is highly related to income inequality that makes the skilled people obtain more than others. On the other side, with average per capita incomes have increasingly become convergence, the gaps among global incomes in different countries have diminished a lot.

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