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美国纽约大学business communication代写范文展示

时间:2018-10-02 13:58来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:EssayPhD 点击:

这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学妹创作的一篇business communication代写范文。 这是一篇基础的商科论文。文章主要讲沟通技巧对商业活动的重要性。 作为一个公司的员工,需要具备沟通技巧,如人际交往技巧,影响力和谈判技巧,自信技巧,商业写作和演讲技巧。一下是business communication 代写节选的范文。

Communication skills are crucial to the daily function of an organization. As an employee of a company, he/she is required to have communication skills such as interpersonal skills, influence and negotiating skills, assertiveness skills, business writing and presentation skills, otherwise, employees can not do their job or they become very low productive because so many misunderstandings created in the time when they communicate.

美国纽约大学business communication 代写
business communication 代写


Imagine a whole day being a employee in a company, first thing in the morning, you might need to write an email to your colleagues with your business writing skills. When you start working, you encounter your coworkers, administrative staff and bosses, you will have to establish a strong working relationship with your interpersonal skills. You have arguments or conflicts about project details with you coworkers or bosses. Then you have to use persuading and negotiating skills to achieve the best outcome. And you need to run a meeting to present the new product marketing plan to your clients and bosses with your presentation skills. You are the team leader of your team, you are also need assertiveness skills to manage your team members and get command respect.


The solution to poor communication skills is receiving communication skill training. Communication skills such as interpersonal skill, persuading and negotiating skills, business writing and presentation skills can be trained through seminars. That’s why an effective organization provide communication skills training to its employees. Improvement of communication skills is a daily routine. It requires that every member of the organization need to practice every time when communication is needed. When you are in a conversation, try to be an active listener, pay attention to what others are saying. Make good eye contact when you speak to someone, that means you pay attention to it and show respect. Talk slowly and clearly, never too slow or too fast. Use appropriate volume and tone in different setting.

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