Identify a change management initiative that was triggered by an external source, for example, BREXIT or Zero Emission automobile targets, analyse how the organisation, or indeed the industry, is tackling the change (identify the rationale, objectives, planning activities, implementation strategies and evaluate them), then compare against ‘best practice’ (given your understanding of the course to what extent can you identify the usage of theory/best practice, would you recommend alternative courses of action?).
You should adopt a report style: set the scene, detail the history, examine and critique the outcomes, detail the lessons, and then suggest a way forward. Be careful, it is your thoughts, reasoning, and recommendations that will count. Not those, if you have selected a case from a published source, of the original academic researcher and/or practitioner.
要求中提到,明确一个外部环境的改变,比如英国脱欧,然后分析一个公司甚至于某个行业在这个背景下如何应对(理论依据、战略目标、部署策略等),并且提出最佳的实施建议。这篇范文就是以英国脱欧为背景,以英国标准人寿公司为案例,文章首先简要介绍了脱欧的背景和公司的情况,从公司目前的战略开始分析,在这里运用了PEST analysis,Influential Analysis,TROPICS test等方法。第4章是核心干货,给出的建议是收购挪威的资产,扩大在欧盟市场中的服务和产品规模。文章还娴熟的运用了波特五力模型和ADKAR模型,给出了实施变革的路径。