这是一篇出自UCL PhD的留学申请PS代写范文展示,相比很多生搬硬套套用模板的PS,他的PS比较感性.语言朴实,更多的是陈述事实,突出个人闪光点.对学术未来有比较清晰完整的规划,总能在众多PS中脱颖而出,甚至经常收到老师的邮件回复以及肯定,在很多流程化的出国申请机构中,突出个性以及防止千篇一律是我们留学申请PS代写的目标,模板,在我们这从来不存在
When I was in high school, my favourite subjects are math and arts. I studied sketching in my junior year and I have developed a habit of artistic drawing for almost five years in my spare time. Of course, merits in art would not grace my transcript but I scored high marks in related areas like history and politics. I love reading historical books, not only for the purpose of satisfying my internal interest, as well as cultivating a way of thinking like the historians featuring as critical reasoning. Learning history is not simply reciting the textbook or famous historical events, since it makes me to put myself in certain historical circumstances to feel, to think, and to react as if I were the historical figures. History, combined with politics, helped me to understand how the world functions as it is today and I even tried to use my own interpretation to explain the latest news. I would be very interested to dig the origin of how the phenomenon occurs and what is the exact originated reason. In my view, art is about how to express oneself better in an innovative way, and my interest in history and politics help me to grasp the essence of the problem in front of me.
Besides my habit critical thinking about historical events, I am also crazily into math. Math is very abstract and often a difficult course for most of the students. However, I found myself excited in mathematical deduction based on simple axioms. For example, Euclidean geometry is founded on five axioms proposed by Greek mathematicians of three thousand years ago, and elegant conclusions are thus drawn by infinite subsequently deductions. I scored an average mark of math around 90/100 in high school, without complaining the difficulty or boredom but pleasure of reasoning instead. In my senior year of high school, I read the book Men of Mathematics: the lives and achievements of the great mathematicians from Zeno to Poincare written by Eric Bell. It was certainly a pleasant journey with the history of math whetting my appetite for both critical thinking and mathematical deduction. Though I am not so talented to become a mathematician, I understand the importance of mathematics and decide to pursue a career in which I could play with it.
After thoroughly identifying my interests, I decided to pursue a degree in finance. As I stated above, I think history and politics are the subjects of explaining the world from the macroscopic facet, while math is the subject of manipulating an abstract world which is constructed by axioms. Combining them together, finance or financial economics would be my best option for higher education. To my knowledge, finance is about allocating limited capitals for maximum profit yet minimum risk, and finance also studies the financial phenomena in real world to provide with reasonable explanations. Influenced by my father, who invested a lot in the Chinese stock market, I became interested to hear his comments on economic news and analyses of investing projects. In capital market, the greedy human nature is acknowledged and people are even encouraged to arbitrage based on their judgement. Disagreements are allowed in financial markets, and no one would argue about it since they can buy the undervalued assets from those who don't appreciate that much. Arbitrage in market forces the price to maintain a stable level, and the market price is also the final judge about the valuation of one asset. If the market price fails to reach the fundamental value and unbelievably forms financial bubble, the horrifying financial crisis is about to come just like it happened in history. I decided to devote myself into finance since it not only links history and math, but also it challenges the most intelligent people and reward them with wealth.
In retrospect of the talk with my father on investing, the most impressive lesson was the balance between profit and return. This also applies to our daily life, and actually, it guides my life decision. As you may know, I had one year of college life in China but I quitted soon pursuing a higher degree in UK. The reason for ending my school life in China is that the students there are only judged by the standard scores, regardless of their character, their opinions, even their efforts in other non-graded aspects. Though I read a lot in high school and developed a broad interest, however, this could not help me anyhow in grades. As a result, I was only admitted by Nanjing University, which is a top 10 university in China, but I was deprived of the right to choose my major. I could not see my future there and I was afraid of losing my interest or ambition, though I managed to integrate my broad interest into profoundly colourful life, joining students’ unions about piano, billiards and badminton. If I continued to stay in China and maybe still got a bachelor degree in English, I would receive almost zero profit and of course, almost zero risk. But I am still young, a 19-aged yet ambitious girl, I can make my decision for more challenging adventure, which is quitting the college in China and going to UK to face all the uncertainties. I must acknowledge the risk is prohibitive and I have to face the pressure as my motivation to become better, and to master in the field of finance.
Being alone in UK for studying language first and then applying a bachelor program in finance are never easy for my current situation, but I think the prosperous uncertainties or opportunities ahead of me worth the risk. Actually I found myself excited in multi-cultural communication, and I am also trying to be popular in an international community. The education system in UK is certainly world-leading and it doesn't judge the students by blind grades. I think I would be appreciated for my attitudes, my thoughts and my endeavours. I have my career plans for my future, and the bachelor degree in finance is just a first step to achieve my goal as a successful fund manager. I understand finance is in essence an item of service, and a career in finance is not just studying but also active involvement in social events. I think I will find my values in a broad context beyond simple numerical grades, by initiating my professional exploration with finance in UK.