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Letter of Recommendation代写范文展示

时间:2016-06-16 23:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
这篇letter of recommendation代写范文出自EssayPhD团队中成功DIY申请的美国PhD,她熟悉美国大学各专业情况.是团队中申请咨询金牌导师,擅长留学文书写作,proposal代写,以及PhD申请套磁.帮助过超过200多名学生成功申请美国各高校,其中不乏UCLA,宾夕法尼亚州立,埃默里大学等名校.需要DIY留学一对一申请辅导的同学可以预约她一对一交流:
一下是这篇letter of recommendation代写的范文,
To Whom It May Concern,
I am pleased to recommend one of the finest students, Miss XXXXX, to your postgraduate program.
I taught her econometrics in 2013 fall, covering most of the technical issues in regression analysis and it is delivered in English. I preferred to introduce the theoretical deduction firstly in class, and then to ask students regarding their interpretation on the necessity and limitation of certain mathematical assumptions. Miss XXX was active in class and often discussed with me about her uncertainties about econometric problems after class. In that class, every student was required to conduct an empirical research by employing econometric models. She impressed me with her work on the prediction of tourism based on Baidu Trend data (Baidu is a similar searching engine as Google in China), with length of 30 pages. She put huge efforts on eliminating heteroscedasticity from the data in that paper, exhibiting knowledge in frontier econometric tools and expertise on statistical data analysis. I am so surprised that she even read some English papers from top journals like Econometica, just for the purpose of better identifying the form of heteroscedasticity. Unlike other students who treated the regression as granted nostrum and ignored interesting facts outside of theoretical assumption, she handled the regression diagnostic procedure meticulously as a professional statistician. I think she developed the sensitivity as a data analyst, and of course, she has become increasingly interested in statistics after this course.
To my surprise, I met her again in my graduate course on Computational Statistics. It was so unprecedented for an undergraduate student to learn such a hard course at graduate level, besides the school would not credit her hour on this. This course covered practical programming with R and advanced statistical computing algorithms, but apparently she studied hard and behaved just like a graduate student. She struck me as an ambitious girl with genuine interest in statistics, and I am so proud to witness her endeavors.
Once I was in committee of Statistical Modeling Competition, I found her again with a team paper: An Empirical Study on the Attractiveness of China's Financial Industry to Prospective Employees——Based on Non-parametric Profile Estimation Method for Panel Data. The use of Non-parametric Profile model made them distinguish from the competitors covering both graduate students and undergraduate peers, and it was fair to say this paper is qualified to award her a master degree. Needless to say, she is of great potential in statistics, and she would be the right one to enrich the academic world if she manages to receive further study in a world leading university.
She is so promising and I think she would be an ideal candidate to your program. I would really appreciate it if you would kindly grant his admission and financial assistance. Should you need any further information about her, please contact me without any hesitation.
Yours faithfully,

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