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时间:2016-11-17 07:55来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

INFOMGMT 290 BUSINESS ANALYTICS 是新西兰the university of Auckland 商科大二的课程。新西兰奥克兰大学是世界百强名校,学校位于新西兰第一大城市奥克兰市。拥有7个校区,综合排名全新西兰第一,在世界上享有盛誉。奥克兰是新西兰商业经济中心,华人非常多,也是前往新西兰留学的中国留学生首选的地方。下面讲述的Business analytic代写就是奥克兰大学热门商科的课程作业。

business analytic代写

Business analytic代写需要利用定量分析模型工具应对商业决策制定以及实际情况处理的问题。学生将会学到利用excel表格或者其他的数据分析软件架构模型来处理实际的商业问题。课程将会介绍用于描述、预测的相关模型。需要掌握构建模型来面对现实商业问题作出相应的决策以及处理问题。由于课程涉及商业模型知识以及需要软件进行数据分析,所以对于刚接触business课程的同学来说,有一定的难度。鉴于Business analytic代写的需求量比较大,我们在帮助同学们做Business analytic代写的时候,把课程情况整理了出来。并且提供INFOMGMT 290 business analytic代写以及完成assignment后的辅导讲解。

Business analytic代写Course Prescription

Quantitative modelling tools are featured in this course to deal with business decision making and problem solving situations. The course focuses on the use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and other complementary software for model construction and development (both deterministic and probabilistic) for practical business oriented issues. Models for purposes related to description, prediction, and prescription are introduced.

Business analytic代写Goals of the Course

The course will utilise a variety of teaching and learning approaches including, lecture/discussion, modeling workshops, videos, and strategy laboratories. Students should be able to construct and apply a wide range of models based on business situations to assist decision making and problem solving.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course it is expected that the student will be able to:

  • 1. Understand the rationale for modeling, specifically in terms of how models are constructed using appropriate methodologies in order to support decision making and problem solving in business situations;
  • 2. apply appropriate types of modeling techniques to business situations by evaluating the needs in specific decision making scenarios;
  • 3. apply relevant probabilistic components in business models by observing and understanding the nature of uncertainties in each scenario;
  • 4. interpret model outputs and apply them to practical situations for decision making and problem solving; and
  • 5. adequately utilize the capabilities of Microsoft Excel for modeling purposes.

Content Outline

  • Week 1 Models – What are they?
  • Week 2 Models for Decision Making
  • Week 3 Static and Dynamic Models
  • Week 4 Descriptive Modelling and Decision Making
  • Week 5 Predictive Modelling and Decision Making
  • Week 6 Test
  • Week 7 Simulation Models – Dynamic Models
  • Week 8 Simulation Models – Excel and other Platforms
  • Week 9 Simulation Models – Uncertainties
  • Week 10 Simulation Models and Decision Making
  • Week 11 Prescriptive Models - Optimisation
  • Week 12 Model Based Decision Making - Short and Long Term Impacts

Business analytic代写Learning and Teaching

Classes will be held at the City campus. A variety of instructional methods will be employed, including lectures, computer labs, videos, and case studies. To make the class more lively and valuable for everyone, all students are expected to have read and contemplated on the material assigned for each day.

The procedures and the course schedule are subject to change though all effort has been taken to plan lectures according to the schedule given. In the spirit of continuous improvement, feedback and ideas on this course are welcome. The expectation is that students spend an average of 7-9 hours per week on the course outside of class

(approximately evenly split between reading/studying and assignments)

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