在市场经济环境中,财务管理是企业管理的中心工作,而Financial Analysis也是财务管理的核心工作。 而通过课程简介,我们可以看出,这门课上的这篇assignment在全部课程中所占比例之大,只会让很多刚步入课堂的学生望而却步。但是,Essayphd团队的学霸们却对这门课的assignment情有独钟。
Financial Analysis论文代写的难度在于,你对企业的某些财务指标进行计算分析。这些分析可能涉及到企业的盈利、运营、偿债和发展等诸多方面的能力。而这些能力的衡量分析恰巧是Financial Analysis代写的核心所在。
透过Course content,我们可以看出,Financial Analysis论文代写都需要涉及到Financial Ratio analysis。这一部分对于大多数同学是相当头疼的,因为这需要扎实的Finance/Accounting 技能。

而Essayphd团队的学霸们在代写Financial Analysis的过程中,由于学霸们自带的属性,他们通过大量的写作以及本身经验的积累,往往可以抓住这们作业背后老师想要学生写出来的点。这样的操作就使得Financial Analysis论文代写的成绩能够稳定在前列。
Overall aims and purpose
To analyse the techniques that are used to evaluate a company's financial position and performance, and develop a critical awareness of the uses of financial data by capital markets for valuation purposes.
Course content
Balance sheet and income statement analysis; Financial ratio analysis and inter-firm comparison; Trend analysis and financial forecasting; Analysis of profitability and growth; The quality of financial statements, and using financial statements in valuation; Cash accounting, accrual accounting and discounted cash flow valuation; Pricing book values and earnings; Assessment of credit and equity risk.
Threshold --Displays a basic understanding of the main issues in financial anlysis and investment analysis
Good --Displays a sound understanding of interfirm comparison, trend analysis and valuation models, and an ability to write analytically on specific issues.
Excellent --Demonstrates a critical approach towards the appreciation of interfirm comparison and trend analysis, and demonstrates the ability to evaluate the implications of valuation models, illustrating arguments through the use of relevant supporting evidence drawn from the established literature. Financial Analysis论文代写
Learning outcomes
- Apply appropriate methodologies in order to produce inter-firm comparisons of performance, and comparisons between the performance of the same firm over time;
- Appreciate the uses of financial information by capital markets;
- Demonstrate competence for the purposes of equity valuation;
- Apply basic and advanced techniques for the purposes of financial forecasting and the assessment of equity and credit risk. Financial Analysis论文代写
Transferable skills
- • Literacy - Proficiency in reading and writing through a variety of media
- • Numeracy - Proficiency in using numbers at appropriate levels of accuracy
- • Computer Literacy - Proficiency in using a varied range of computer software
- • Self-Management - Able to work unsupervised in an efficient, punctual and structured manner. To examine the outcomes of tasks and events, and judge levels of quality and importance
- • Exploring - Able to investigate, research and consider alternatives
- • Information retrieval - Able to access different and multiple sources of information
- • Inter-personal - Able to question, actively listen, examine given answers and interact sensitevely with others
- • Critical analysis & Problem Solving - Able to deconstruct and analyse problems or complex situations. To find solutions to problems through analyses and exploration of all possibilities using appropriate methods, rescources and creativity.
- • Safety-Consciousness - Having an awareness of your immediate environment, and confidence in adhering to health and safety regulations
- • Teamwork - Able to constructively cooperate with others on a common task, and/or be part of a day-to-day working team
- • Mentoring - Able to support, help, guide, inspire and/or coach othersCourses including this module
在Essayphd学霸联盟成立至今的这段时间里,我们所接手的Financial analysis代写的作业是比较多的。因为国外商科留学生较多,而学习这门课程的学生也多。所以,大多数客户找到Essayphd学霸联盟也是慕名而来。 为了能得到比较好的成绩,而Essayphd学霸联盟对于Financial Analysis论文代写这样的assignment也是熟门熟路的,可以轻而易举的hold住。 如果要订购Essayphd的写作服务,那么请尽快行动哦~