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英国金融reflection essay代写范文展示

时间:2018-07-14 15:11来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这是我们在2017年为英国雷丁大学ICMA的学妹做的一篇金融reflection essay代写范文。这篇文章以第一人称的方式讲述了作者作为金融学专业背景的学生对自己的未来职业规划有什么见解或者想法,以及在学生时代应该怎样去锻炼自己的能力,提升未来竞争力。首先开头部分作者自我介绍,曾经在互联网金融公司工作过,职位是投资总监,希望未来能够在金融领域有所发展。以下是节选的金融reflection essay代写范文。

I once worker in an internet finance company. My position is the investment director. But the mainly assets I managed are the non-standard assets. What I need to is to have a deep understanding about the project, write the investigation report about the dynamic analysis of the industry or market and make cooperation with other companies and other works. My undergraduate major is the finance, while my graduate programs are the marketing. Owning to the education and working experiences, I hope to have a future career in the finance field such as the investment bank. In the following, I will talk about the skills development needed to work in the investment bank.

英国金融reflection essay 代写
金融reflection essay代写

未来想去投行发展,作者认为有5中技能是必不可少的也是现在学生时代急切需要得到锻炼的。分别是扎实的专业知识储备,沟通交流能力,数据收集以及分析能力,抗压能力和创新能力。在这篇金融reflection essay代写范文中,我们详细阐述了这5中技能以及其重要性。由于篇幅有限,没有展示出来。需要看更多的信息欢迎联系EssayPhD。

As far as I am concerned, the following skills need to be trained. The first skill is the solid professional knowledge base. There are many kinds of business of investment bank. The mainly businesses of investment bank include the stock issuance, bond issuance, corporate restructuring, enterprise merger and acquisition, project financing, asset securitization, cooperate finance and financial derivative and other business. The solid professional knowledge base is the basis of doing these businesses. For example, the transactions of the financial derivative products need strong professional knowledge. Employees at the investment bank need to have a deep understanding about various kinds of derivative products at first.

最后在conclusion的部分再次重申自己的观点,指出如果打算将来在投资银行工作,需要有一个坚实的教育背景。 作者提出了几点计划,包括准备CFA考试,健身使自己变得更强壮等等,为未来的职业生涯打下坚实的基础。

I am intended to work in the investment bank in the future. The following things are the key actions I plan to complete. In the first, I need to have a solid educational background. If the graduates want to invest in banking, the prerequisite is education. Generally, the first barrier is the education. If the education background is not good, there will be no chance to interview. Therefore, I have to prepare a good educational background. During the school career, I will work hard to have good grades in order to have a chance of interview.

以上便是金融reflection essay代写节选的文章,需要金融论文代写,欢迎联系我们。


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