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英国杜伦大学Investment analysis report代写范文展示

时间:2018-10-04 10:31来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这是我们在2017年为英国杜伦大学的学弟写的Investment analysis report代写范文。是一篇金融会计方向投资分析报告代写的文章。本文以健身俱乐部为对象,研究俱乐部拓展新业务过程中面临的投资选择。健身俱乐部连锁店每年都会在新的地点开设新俱乐部,多数俱乐部在英格兰,有些在威尔士开放。因此,董事们认为这是一个在苏格兰建立业务的好机会。

As a chain of fitness and wellbeing club, BM plc opens a new club in a new location each year. Majority numbers of clubs are in England and some are opening in Wales. Therefore, directors believe it is a good opportunity to establish a presence in Scotland, and the beginning location will be in Glasgow, and also, the financial director came up with two proposals, which decided by collecting information about Glasgow’s local clubs and demographics, are purchase or lease. Investment appraisal techniques could be used to determine the question that whether purchase is a better choice or lease is a better option. Basically, there are five approaches named payback, accounting rate of return (ARR), net present value(NPV), discounted payback and internal rate of return(IRR) (Jackson and Riddell, 2009; Lumby, 1989).

英国杜伦大学investment analysis report代写
investment analysis report代写

Body部分讨论了具体的问题,并提出两种建议供董事选择,这两种选择分别是购买和出租。新俱乐部将于2017年开业,这意味着最初的投资将于2017年进行,并计划持续8年,也就是到2024年。前两年的收入预计为1000万英镑, 第三年增长5%,第四年增长10%。

In this case, there are two proposals for directors to choose: to buy or to lease. In either of the two options, the new club will be opened in 2017, which means the initial investment will be undertaken in 2017, and intended to last for 8 years until 2024. First two years’ revenues are expected to be £10 million, it will increase 5% in the third year and reach 10% in the fourth year. A £740,000 will be cost due to advertising campaign and opening offers. Other investments and expenses are different in two proposals, thereby, the payback period, returns or profits are all different. The investment appraisals will be used to determine which proposal is better to accept. But, due to the additional advertising, boost sales can be expected with 2.5% extra sales per annum. The annual sales will be evaluated by Moving Average Model (MA), due to the smaller residual than the one using Time Series Model. To be more specific, using MA will be more accurate for the forecasting (Appendix 1).


According to previous analysis and discussion, option 1 is recommended because it will be more beneficial for the company. Based on the NPV calculations, BM plc will get £13.81 million if they choose to use option 1, while the company can only get £9.7 million if they use option 2, under in this measurement, option 1 is better to choose. Internal rate of return shows profitability of 38% in option 1, and 179% in proposal 2, it seems that option 2 is a better choice due to the extremely high percentage, but the result is not reliable as explained before. In payback period, the first option shows more than 2 years payback period, and if BM plc chooses to rent, the payback period will only be 7.1 months. Similarly, it seems that option 2 is a better choice. However, this result is also not trustworthy, because there is no initial investment if they choose to lease the equipment and facilities. Accounting rate of return is not able to compare due to this ratio is not able to calculate in option 2.

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