公司商业贸易活动频繁,了解商业规则对每个涉及商业活动的人来说是非常基础的要求。通过全面的学习,学生将了解公司性质、股份资本的概念、了解公司怎样和外界交流联系以及掌握法人、股东的职责。这些知识能够帮助决策者们利用企业结构来避免陷阱以及法律责任。课程结束之后,学生应该要明白公司法的发展趋势以及反复出现的问题。并且学生应该在现代商业环境以及商业法规中掌握认知商业问题的技能。法律课程都有其繁琐之处,文献条文繁多,并且要求很高。COMLAW 203 company law 这门课也不例外。不仅仅是格式上,还有文献引用上都比一般的学科要求要高。同时专有名词比较多,在学校有plagiarism要求的时候,引用商法条例以及case study难免超过那个度。要学好这门课,要花的时间还是不少的。这个时候,很多同学会想到找company law代写。对于COMLAW 203 company law代写,团队中专攻商法的phd 还有非常有经验的。以下附上我们在做COMLAW 203 company law代写时候整理出来的课程介绍。需要辅导以及代写帮助的同学,欢迎联系我们。
Course Prescription company law代写
Companies are by far the most used vehicle for doing business and an understanding of the rules that govern them is essential for everyone involved in commerce and industry. Examine the nature of a company, incorporation and share capital, the concept of separate legal personality, how a company interacts with the world and the roles of the stakeholders in a company including directors and shareholders. A sound understanding will help decision makers to take the advantages of corporate structure while avoiding pitfalls and legal liability.
Programme and Course Advice company law代写
Prerequisite: COMLAW 101 or 191
Goals of the Course
This paper will provide grounding in company law for students intending to work for or advise companies and for students intending to advance to the stage 3 corporate and taxation papers (for which it is a prerequisite). By the end of the course, students should appreciate significant trends and recurring issues in company law. In particular, students will acquire problem recognition and problem identification skills necessary in the modern business environment as well as for the more advanced commercial law papers. In addition, students will acquire sufficient knowledge in order to identify whether or not appropriate legal remedies exist in regard to the problems they have identified.
Learning Outcomes company law代写
By the end of this course it is expected that the student will be able to:
1. Understand the existence and import of the concepts of separate legal entity and limited liability;
2. Know how to comply with the statutory and administrative requirements of the Companies Act 1993, in particular:
- (a) how to incorporate a company;
- (b) the record keeping and filing requirements for companies;
- (c) the disclosure requirements for companies;
3. Understand corporate capacity and the powers of companies and how companies relate to the outside world;
4. Know how the rules relating to capital, shares and finance operate;
5. Are aware of director's duties and potential liability;
6. Have a good knowledge of shareholder remedies;
7. Understand the way in which powers are divided between shareholders and directors, and appreciate the role which a constitution can play in a company’s affairs;
8. Be aware of the different ways in which professional advisers, such as accountants become involved in insolvency practice and their ethical responsibilities;
9. Identify problems and issues that may arise in respect of any of the above and are able to point to the appropriate legal consequences or remedies. Students are expected to be able to support their assertions with reasons including relevant statutory provisions or case law and why these are relevant;
10. Acquire the ability to independently research the law relating to any aspect of the operation of a company and to apply their research as per learning outcomes 10 and 11; and
11. Explain the relevant law in relation to learning outcomes 1-8 (above) and are able to support their explanations by referring to appropriate statutory provisions and case law.
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