这是我们在2017年为英国University of Sussex的学弟做的一篇英国商法论文代写的范文。本文主要讨论公司劳务关系中解雇职员应有的合理性。文章开头部分首先介绍背景信息,提出如果没有正当理由解除劳动合同,可能会造成错误的解雇。 以下是英国商法论文代写范文的节选。
Wrongful dismissal may arise when there are no just causes for termination of employment contract. Dishonesty is a just cause reason for dismissal. Dishonest employees can be reasonably terminated without notice. However, a contextual approach is used to determine whether the wrongdoing constitutes a just cause (McKinley v BC Tel (2001) SCC 38). Consumption of alcohol is another just cause for termination without notice. Likewise, this also needs analysis on facts. The employer has to present sufficient evidence to prove that the employee has behaved in such alleged wrongdoing as to constitute a fundamental breach of the employment contract.
In the absence of just cause, the employer has to give notice to the employee, during which the employee continues to work under the terms and conditions of the employment contract. Under section 57(1) of Employment Standards Act 2000, to dismiss an employee working for three months or more, the employer has to give one weeks notice in writing if the service is less than one year. However, this is the statutory minimum notice of period. The court may increase reasonable notice period. In Bardal v Global & Mail Ltd (1960) 24 D.L.R. (2d) 140, the facts on particular case may be evaluated to determine the reasonable notice period. Some primary factors include the age of the employee, length of service, availability of employment and status of the employee. Other factors may be considered to increase reasonable notice period. They include company policy, inducement to join an organization, custom and industry practice, personal characteristics, economic climate and a high degree of specialization (Ball et al., 2014).
Bilbo can successfully sue for wrongful dismissal for the alleged wrongdoings being not sufficiently evidenced. A statutory minimum of one week notice should be given to him. However, considering his status and inducement to join the organization, the reasonable notice may exceed one week and two weeks may be reasonable.