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英国construction law代写范文展示

时间:2018-08-28 15:05来源:EssayPhD团队 作者:admin 点击:

这是EssayPhD论文代写团队帮英国谢菲尔德的学弟做的一篇construction law代写范文。本文讨论的主题是缺陷工程的损害赔偿措施。无过错方有权要求损害赔偿。但是赔偿的程度怎么规定,按照什么原则来定义损害,划定赔偿是本来将要探讨的问题。以下是construction law代写范文。

The issue here is the measure of damages for the defective works. The innocent party has the right to claim damages for breach of contract. Bellgrove breached the contract by providing defective works for Eldridge and should make compensations to her. The key issue is to what extent the damages would be awarded, i.e. the measure of damage. Bellgrove suggested the measurement of damages according to the difference between the value of the building and the price of the original construction contract. However, Eldridge claimed the cost of reinstatement as the measure of damage.

英国construction law代写
construction law代写


For defective works, the usual remedy is the cost of completing the works in according to the building contract. The measure of damages will be actual or estimated cost of reinstatement necessary. Due to the substantial defect, the court held that the building would be better demolished and then the measure of damages was the cost of demolition and reconstruction of the works.


The principles of assessing damages with regard to breach of contract have not been changed in the history of contract law. The main purpose of damages is to restore the injured party to the position that he should have been in. In performing construction contracts, the most important thing is to build the works in accordance with the plans and specifications to avoid potential defects and damages.

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